Hogwarts legacy modding discord
Hogwarts legacy modding discord

GearManager:SetHoodPosition(BipedPlayer, GearItemID, false, true) Local GearItemID = GearManager:GetEquippedGearItemID(BipedPlayer, EGearSlotIDEnum.OUTFIT)

hogwarts legacy modding discord

If(GearManager:IsValid() and BipedPlayer:IsValid()) ¶ Toggle Gear Mod (Unequip Wand, etc.) Preview Code local BipedPlayer = nilīipedPlayer = FindFirstOf("Biped_Player") Use the regular expression (?=.*broom)(?=.*camera) and it'll help pinpoint what you're looking for. You can then open up the whole project with a text editor like Visual Studio Code and use powerful Regular Expressions to search for things (like something within a blueprint) rather than manually hunting for them only by blueprint names within FMODEL.Ī helpful Regular Expression is to search multiple words like Broom AND Camera. I also highly recommend using FMODEL to dump parsed JSON for anything related to what you're working on (in FMODEL, right click on the top folder and click Save Folder's Packages Properties. You can then reload your script with CTRL + R to quickly test your changes without needing to restart the game.Īlso, here is a dumped Hogwarts Legacy SDK that can be helpful to search through to find things Useful Tip: In the UE4SS settings, make sure to enable hot reloading. Below for example is the value to change the camera’s X, Y, Z offset.

hogwarts legacy modding discord

This is a great way of searching the game and figuring out what you need to manipulate to write your Lua script. UE4SS has a very powerful debugger live feature where you can search blueprints, etc.

hogwarts legacy modding discord

¶ UE4SS Lua Hogwarts Legacy Code Examples

Hogwarts legacy modding discord